Once you are consistently able to release your bags, the next step is learning how to play cornhole is to understand what you should do during gameplay. One important point to remember while playing is that your goal is to score more points than your opponent in a frame. It might not always be smart to aim for the hole. It really depends on who you’re playing and how they play.
The easiest way to make cornholes is to slide the bag from below the hole into the hole. The hole itself is only 6 inches in ciameter, this is a small target. To make it easier, you can increase the landing size and still give yourself a chance at throwing a cornhole by landing the bag short of the hole sliding it in. This will effectively take that 6 inch hole of a target and increase it by about 10 allowing for a little more error in your throw.
What if you are playing against someone who does this better than you?
If you have an opponent that consistently throws the bags in the hole by sliding from just in front of the hole, your strategy should be to stop this so you can minimize the number of points they can score in a frame.
Throwing a blocker is the best way to combat a player who is able to consistently make cornholes this way. There are cornhole bags that are designed to give you the ability to throw these blockers much easier because they are made out of different material. The idea behind a blocker is to leave a bag about 6 inches short of the hole right in front of it so you eliminate the ability of your opponent to slide a bag into the hole.
If you find your opponent is using this strategy against you, you must be able to counter. The best way to do it is to learn how to throw airmails or to land the bag in the hole without hitting the board. Think of a swish in basketball where the ball doesn’t hit the rim. The tricky part about throwing airmails outside of the smaller target is that you have to be able to throw your bag higher in the air. Which brings up another important point about cornhole throwing techniques.