If a player throws out of turn at any point during a frame, that will be considered a foul bag and removed from the playing surface. If it affects bags that are already present, then the opponent will have the option of leaving them as they are or resetting them back to their original position prior to the throw of the out of turn bag. Once the bag is cleared and the reset is complete, the opponent will have to throw 2 bags in a row for the sequence to be corrected.
If a player touches a bag before the frame is complete, the frame is over and the offending player will not be able to throw anymore bags. The non-offending team will have an automatic 12 points to be considered during that frame and scoring should take place as normal.
Players will also have 15 seconds to throw their bag once the opponent’s bag has come to rest and frames should be scored within 5 seconds of the final bag coming to rest. For bags that have moved outside of those 5 seconds, the previous position should be used as the official score for the frame.
Players/teams will be allowed two 1-minute timeouts per game and these can only be called when it is that player’s turn. During a timeout, players can walk to the other board to determine bag position and strategy. Bags should not be touched during this time.
Boards can be straightened between frames as long as there is agreement with the other team or player.